🇩🇪 Germany

Apartment ownership

Apartments by ownership


Owned by community of owners id: 103

Apartments: In a building owned by community of owners

Owned by private person(s) id: 104

Apartments: In a building owned by private person(s)

Owned by co-operative id: 105

Apartments: In a building owned by co-operative

Owned by municipality id: 106

Apartments: In a building owned by municipality

Owned by private housing company id: 107

Apartments: In a building owned by private housing company

Owned by other private company id: 108

Apartments: In a building owned by other private company

Owned by federation id: 109

Apartments: In a building owned by federation

Owned by non-profit organisation id: 110

Apartments: In a building owned by non-profit organisation

Owned by private person(s) id: 146

Apartments: Owned by private person(s)

Owned by private companies id: 147

Apartments: Owned by private companies

Owned by public companies id: 148

Apartments: Owned by public companies

Owned by housing co-operatives id: 149

Apartments: Owned by housing co-operatives

Ownership unknown id: 150

Apartments: Ownership unknown

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Germany: Destatis 2018

Collection ID


Topic ID


Statistics Group IDs

100, 101, 102, 103, 104

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