🇸🇪 Sweden

Living Standards

Total spending power (yearly average)


High economic standard id: 103

Total number of people with high economic standard (2020). Number of people with an equivalised disposable income higher than 200 % of the national median equivalised disposable income

High economic standard: 0 - 19 years id: 104

High economic standard: 0 - 19 years (2020)

High economic standard: 20 - 64 years id: 105

High economic standard: 20 - 64 years (2020)

High economic standard: 65+ years id: 106

High economic standard: 65+ years (2020)

Persons at risk of poverty id: 107

Total number of people at risk of poverty (2020). Number of people with an equivalised disposable income below the at-risk-of-poverty threshold, which is set at 60 % of the national median equivalised disposable income

At risk of poverty: 0 - 19 years id: 108

Persons at risk of poverty: 0 - 19 years (2020)

At risk of poverty: 20 - 64 years id: 109

Persons at risk of poverty: 20 - 64 years (2020)

At risk of poverty: 65+ years id: 110

Persons at risk of poverty: 65+ years (2020)

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Sweden: Statistics data

Collection ID


Topic ID


Statistics Group IDs

291, 292, 293

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