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Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- Mining, quarrying and manufacturing
- Energy and environment
Sweden: Employment and car ownership
Number of personal cars
- Total passenger cars
- Owner: Female
- Owner: Male
Sweden: Employment and car ownership
Total population
- Total population
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 4 years
- 5 - 9 years
- 10 - 14 years
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Population grouped by sex
- Males
- Females
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Households
- Persons in private households
- Couple-family households
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Families grouped by type
- Families
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Level of education
- No high school diploma
- High school diploma
- No certificate, diploma or degree
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Population grouped by nationality or origin
- Canadian citizens
- Canadian citizens aged under 18
- Canadian citizens aged 18 and over
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Population in the labour force
- Employed
- Unemployed
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Households grouped by income
- Income recipients aged 15+
- Employment income recipients aged 15+
- Average total income ($)
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Number of people who work from home or commute to work by transportation mode
- Commute within census subdivision (CSD) of residence
- Commute to a different census subdivision (CSD) within census division (CD) of residence
- Commute to a different census subdivision (CSD) and census division (CD) within province or territory of residence
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Building construction year
Buildings by construction period
- Dwellings built in 1960 or before
- Dwellings built between 1961 - 1980
- Dwellings built between 1981 - 1990
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Building ownership
Buildings by ownership
- Households by tenure: owner
- Households by tenure: renter
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Dwelling number of rooms
Dwellings by number of rooms
- 1 - 4 rooms dwellings
- 5 rooms dwellings
- 6 rooms dwellings
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Dwelling type
Dwellings by type
- Total private dwellings
- Occupied dwellings
- Single-detached house
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Family size
Families by number of family members
- 2 persons families
- 3 persons families
- 4 persons families
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Household size
Households grouped by size and type
- 1 person households
- 2 persons households
- 3 persons households
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Population by age groups
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 14 years
- 15 - 64 years
- 65 years and over
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Households by children
Households by presence of children
- With children
- Without children
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Household income
Households grouped by net income bracket
- Average after-tax income of household ($)
- Under $5,000 households
- $5,000 - $9,999 households
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Population by age and sex
Number of persons by age and sex
- Male, 0 - 14 years
- Male, 0 - 4 years
- Male, 5 - 9 years
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Living Arrangements
Population grouped by living arrangements
- Persons living alone
- Persons living with other relatives
- Persons living with non-relatives only
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Household Gross Income
Households grouped by gross income bracket
- Average total income of household ($)
Canada: Census Profile 2021
Total population
- Total resident population
Switzerland Zensus
- Full-time equivalent
Switzerland Zensus
Total population
- Total population
Census Brandenburg 2011
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 16 years
- 16+ years (female)
- 21 - 45 years (female)
Census Brandenburg 2011
Total population
- Total population
France: Insee 2016
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 3 years
- 4 - 5 years
- 6 - 10 years
France: Insee 2016
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Total households
- Size (m²)
- Present 5+ years
France: Insee 2016
Total population
- Total population
Australia: ABS 2016
Apartments by type and in total
- Total dwellings
- Density (km²)
Australia: ABS 2016
Population density
- Population density (km²)
Australia: ABS 2016
Total population
- Total population
Sweden: SCB 2016
Total population
- Total population
Sweden: SCB 2017
Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- Mining, quarrying and manufacturing
- Energy and environment
Sweden: Employment and cars
Number of personal cars
- Built before 1980
- Built 1981 - 1990
- Built 1991 - 2000
Sweden: Employment and cars
Total population
- Total population
United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
Population by age
Population grouped by age
United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Households
United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
Families grouped by type
- Family households
- 2-person family
- 3-person family
United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
Number of persons according to their ethnicity
- Hispanic/Latino
- White
- Black/African American
United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Labor force
- Civilian
- Employed civilian
United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
Number of people who work from home or commute to work by transportation mode
- Car/truck/van alone
- Car/truck/van carpooled
- Public transport
United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
Household income
Households grouped by net income bracket
- < 10k Household income
- 10-15k Household income
- 15-20k Household income
United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
Population by age and sex
Number of persons by age and sex
- < 5 Male
- 5-9 Male
- 10-14 Male
United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
Commuters grouped by their type of border crossing
- in state
- in county
- outside county
United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
Population change
- Population growth (2021-2017)
- Population growth (2021-2013)
United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
Total population
- Total population
Brazil: IBGE 2010
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
Brazil: IBGE 2010
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Housing
Brazil: IBGE 2010
Total population
- Total population
Poland: Statistics Poland 2011
Total population
- Total popultaion
England and Wales: ONS 2021
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0–4 years
- 5–9 years
- 10–14 years
England and Wales: ONS 2021
Population grouped by sex
- Total Male population
- Total Female population
England and Wales: ONS 2021
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Household
- Communal establishment
- Total households
England and Wales: ONS 2021
Level of education
- Higher managerial, administrative and professional occupations (L1, L2 and L3)
- Lower supervisory and technical occupations (L10 and L11)
- Semi-routine occupations (L12)
England and Wales: ONS 2021
Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Employed (excluding full-time students)
- Employed: Full-time
- Employed: Part-time
England and Wales: ONS 2021
Number of personal cars
- 1 car or van in household
- 2 cars or vans in household
- 3+ cars or vans in household
England and Wales: ONS 2021
Apartment ownership
Apartments by ownership
- Rent free
- Own house
- Private rented
England and Wales: ONS 2021
Household size
Households grouped by size and type
- 0-person households
- 1-person households
- 2-person households
England and Wales: ONS 2021
Total population
- Total Population
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0–4
- 5–9
- 10–14
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Building type
Buildings by type
- Buildings with residential use
- Residential buildings
- Residential-only buildings
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Company Structure
Total companies, number of workplaces, workplaces by sector and employees characteristics
- Total Workplaces
- Workplaces in Sector 1
- Workplaces in Sector 2
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Population grouped by nationality or origin
- Swiss
- Foreigners
- EU/EFTA country
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Place of birth
Population grouped by their place of birth
- Switzerland
- Same municipality
- Same canton
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Apartments per building
Buildings by number of apartments
- No apartment
- 1 apartments
- 2 apartments
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Building construction year
Buildings by construction period
- < 1919
- 1919–1945
- 1946–1960
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Dwelling size
Dwellings by size in square meters
- 1 floors
- 2 floors
- 3 floors
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Household size
Households grouped by size and type
- Total households
- 1 Person
- 2 Persons
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Population by age groups
Population grouped by age
- 0–19
- 20–39
- 40–59
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Population by age and sex
Number of persons by age and sex
- Male, 0–4
- Male, 5–9
- Male, 10–14
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Year arrived in
Immigrants grouped by year of arrival in the country
- < 1 year presence in municipality
- 1–5 years presence in municipality
- 6–10 years presence in municipality
Switzerland: BFS 2022
Total population
- Total population
Germany: infas360 2023
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 2 years
- 3 - 5 years
- 6 - 9 years
Germany: infas360 2023
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Total households
Germany: infas360 2023
Household size
Households grouped by size and type
- 1-person households
- 2-person households
- 3-person households
Germany: infas360 2023
Household income
Households grouped by net income bracket
- Households 0–1000 € net
- Households 1000–1500 € net
- Households 1500–2500 € net
Germany: infas360 2023
Inhabitant spending power
Spending power of inhabitant in a household. Yearly average
- Inhabitant spending power (€/year)
Germany: infas360 2023
Household spending power
Spending power of household. Yearly average
- Household spending power (€/year)
Germany: infas360 2023
Total spending power
Total spending power (yearly average)
- Total spending power (€/year)
Germany: infas360 2023
Total population
- Total population
Netherlands: census 2022
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 14 years old
- 15 - 24 years old
- 25 - 44 years old
Netherlands: census 2022
Population grouped by sex
- Males
- Females
Netherlands: census 2022
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Households
Netherlands: census 2022
Place of birth
Population grouped by their place of birth
- Born in the Netherlands with dutch origin
- Born in the Netherlands with at least one parent born in Europe
- Born in the Netherlands with at least one parent born outside Europe
Netherlands: census 2022
Building construction year
Buildings by construction period
- Dwellings built before 1945
- Dwellings built between 1945 and 1964
- Dwellings built between 1965 and 1974
Netherlands: census 2022
Building ownership
Buildings by ownership
- Owned dwellings
- Rented properties
- Rental dwellings owned by a public housing institution
Netherlands: census 2022
Dwelling size
Dwellings by size in square meters
- Multi-family dwellings
Netherlands: census 2022
Dwelling type
Dwellings by type
- Dwellings
- Uninhabitated dwellings
Netherlands: census 2022
Household size
Households grouped by size and type
- 1-person households
- Multi-person households without childern
- Sigle-parent households
Netherlands: census 2022
Social benefits
Social benefits
- Residents who receive social benefits
Netherlands: census 2022
Total population
- Total population
Norway Census 2021
Apartments by type and in total
- Total dwellings
- Detached houses
- Semi-detached houses
Norway Census 2021
Building type
Buildings by type
- Total buildings
- Residential buildings
- Culture and Research buildings
Norway Census 2021
Company Structure
Total companies, number of workplaces, workplaces by sector and employees characteristics
- Total companies
Norway Census 2021
Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Total employees
Norway Census 2021
Total population
- Total population
New Zealand: Stats NZ 2013
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 4 years
- 5 - 9 years
- 10 - 14 years
New Zealand: Stats NZ 2013
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
New Zealand: Stats NZ 2013
Day/night population
- Total population at night
New Zealand: Stats NZ 2013
Limbic Types
Limbic® Personas. Limbic® Personas are marketing groups based on psychology, brain research, evolutionary biology, and consumer research
- Harmoniser
- Traditionalist
- Disciplinarian
Germany: Limbic Types 2022
Total population
- Total population
Belgium: 2019 Census of Population (H3)
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0-14 years
- 15-64 years
- 65+ years
Belgium: 2019 Census of Population (H3)
Population grouped by sex
- Female
- Male
Belgium: 2019 Census of Population (H3)
Total population
- Total population
Slovenia: Population 2019
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- Group 0 - 14 years
- 0 - 4 years
- 5 - 9 years
Slovenia: Population 2019
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
Slovenia: Population 2019
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- 1 person
- 2 person
- 3 person
Slovenia: Population 2019
Level of education
- Basic education or less
- Upper secondary education
- Tertiary education
Slovenia: Population 2019
Total population
- Total population
Denmark: Census January 2017
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- Age: 0 - 6
- Age: 7 - 15
- Age: 16 - 19
Denmark: Census January 2017
Level of education
- Elementary school
- High school
- Vocational (educated manual worker)
Denmark: Census January 2017
Number of persons according to their ethnicity
- Danish
- Western
- Non-western
Denmark: Census January 2017
Household income
Households grouped by net income bracket
- Under 200.000
- Between 200.000 and 400.000
- Between 400.000 and 600.000
Denmark: Census January 2017
Inhabitant spending power
Spending power of inhabitant in a household. Yearly average
- Under -250.000 (owes money)
- Between -250.000 & -50.000 (owes money)
- Between -50.000 & 50.000
Denmark: Census January 2017
Day/night population
- Day population
Denmark: Census January 2017
Total population
- Population: Night-time population
Denmark: Night-time population and building areas (H3 hexgrid)
Building type
Buildings by type
- Buildings: Living area (m2)
Denmark: Night-time population and building areas (H3 hexgrid)
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Mo–Fr 08:00–20:00
- Mo–Fr 20:00–08:00
Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Mo–Fr 05:00–11:00
- Mo–Fr 11:00–17:00
- Mo–Fr 17:00–23:00
Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Mo–Fr 08:00–11:00
- Mo–Fr 11:00–14:00
- Mo–Fr 14:00–17:00
Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Sa 08:00–20:00
- Sa 20:00–08:00
Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Sa 05:00–11:00
- Sa 11:00–17:00
- Sa 17:00–23:00
Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Sa 08:00–11:00
- Sa 11:00–14:00
- Sa 14:00–17:00
Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Su 08:00–20:00
- Su 20:00–08:00
Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Su 05:00–11:00
- Su 11:00–17:00
- Su 17:00–23:00
Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Su 08:00–11:00
- Su 11:00–14:00
- Su 14:00–17:00
Temporary visitors
Total population
- Population
New Zealand: Stats NZ 2018
Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Labor force
- Employed
New Zealand: Stats NZ 2018
Number of people who work from home or commute to work by transportation mode
- Travel to work
- Work at home
- Drive private car
New Zealand: Stats NZ 2018
Total population
- Population
Netherlands: MB Research, 2023
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 14 years
- 15 - 29 years
- 30 - 44 years
Netherlands: MB Research, 2023
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
Netherlands: MB Research, 2023
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Total households
Netherlands: MB Research, 2023
Household size
Households grouped by size and type
- Households size
Netherlands: MB Research, 2023
Household income
Households grouped by net income bracket
- Below €26,152 households
- 26,152 - 37,288€ households
- 37,288 - 51,453€ households
Netherlands: MB Research, 2023
Total spending power
Total spending power (yearly average)
- Spending power (Euro)
Netherlands: MB Research, 2023
Population per 1000
- Population per 1,000
Netherlands: MB Research, 2023
Total population
- Population
Austria: MB Research, 2023
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 14 years
- 15 - 29 years
- 30 - 44 years
Austria: MB Research, 2023
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
Austria: MB Research, 2023
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Total households
Austria: MB Research, 2023
Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Unemployed
Austria: MB Research, 2023
Household income
Households grouped by net income bracket
- Below 25,867€ households
- 25,867 - 40,093€ households
- 40,093 - 56,973€ households
Austria: MB Research, 2023
Total spending power
Total spending power (yearly average)
- Spending power in Euros
Austria: MB Research, 2023
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Avg. visitors 08:00-20:00
- Avg. visitors 20:00-08:00
USA: Temporary visitor profiles 2020
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Avg. visitors 05:00-11:00
- Avg. visitors 11:00-17:00
- Avg. visitors 17:00-23:00
USA: Temporary visitor profiles 2020
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Avg. visitors 08:00-11:00
- Avg. visitors 11:00-14:00
- Avg. visitors 14:00-17:00
USA: Temporary visitor profiles 2020
Staypoints: Saturday - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Avg. visitors 08:00-20:00
- Avg. visitors 20:00-08:00
USA: Temporary visitor profiles 2020
Staypoints: Saturday - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Avg. visitors 05:00-11:00
- Avg. visitors 11:00-17:00
- Avg. visitors 17:00-23:00
USA: Temporary visitor profiles 2020
Staypoints: Saturday - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Avg. visitors 08:00-11:00
- Avg. visitors 11:00-14:00
- Avg. visitors 14:00-17:00
USA: Temporary visitor profiles 2020
Staypoints: Sunday - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Avg. visitors 08:00-20:00
- Avg. visitors 20:00-08:00
USA: Temporary visitor profiles 2020
Staypoints: Sunday - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Avg. visitors 05:00-11:00
- Avg. visitors 11:00-17:00
- Avg. visitors 17:00-23:00
USA: Temporary visitor profiles 2020
Staypoints: Sunday - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- Avg. visitors 08:00-11:00
- Avg. visitors 11:00-14:00
- Avg. visitors 14:00-17:00
USA: Temporary visitor profiles 2020
Total population
- Total population
Italy: Census 2011
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- < 5 years old
- 5 - 9 years old
- 10 - 14 years old
Italy: Census 2011
Population grouped by sex
- Total male population
- Total female population
Italy: Census 2011
Apartments by type and in total
- Total apartments in residential buildings
Italy: Census 2011
Level of education
- University degree
- High school degree
- Lower middle school degree
Italy: Census 2011
Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Total labour force
- Employed (aged 15 and over)
- Unemployed (aged 15 and over)
Italy: Census 2011
Household size
Households grouped by size and type
- Total resident households
Italy: Census 2011
Limbic Types
Limbic® Personas. Limbic® Personas are marketing groups based on psychology, brain research, evolutionary biology, and consumer research
- Harmonizer: 1-person households
- Harmonizer: 2-person households
- Harmonizer: 3+-person households
Germany: Limbic Types and household sizes 2021 (H3)
Households by Limbic Type and Size
Households grouped by Limbic® Type and size
- Nearest hypermarket (walk)
- Hypermarkets 10 min walk
- Nearest full-range supermarket (walk)
Germany: Limbic Types and household sizes 2021 (H3)
Total population
- Total population
Spain population, nationality and income data (2022)
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0-4 years
- 5-9 years
- 10-14 years
Spain population, nationality and income data (2022)
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
Spain population, nationality and income data (2022)
Population grouped by nationality or origin
- Spanish
- Foreigners
- Africa
Spain population, nationality and income data (2022)
Place of birth
Population grouped by their place of birth
- Born in Spain
- Born in the same autonomous community
- Born in the same autonomous community and province
Spain population, nationality and income data (2022)
Households grouped by income
- Total net income
- Total gross income
- < 5k equivalent income
Spain population, nationality and income data (2022)
Population by age and sex
Number of persons by age and sex
- Male, 0-4 years
- Male, 5-9 years
- Male, 10-14 years
Spain population, nationality and income data (2022)
Total population
- Population
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0-4
- 5-7
- 8-9
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Population grouped by sex
- Males
- Females
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Households
- 1 Person
- Married dep. children
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Building type
Buildings by type
- Detached
- Flat
- Semi-detached
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Level of education
- No qualifications
- 1-4 O Levels/CSE/GCSE
- NVQ Lvl 1, Foundation, GNVQ, basic skills
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Number of persons according to their ethnicity
- Bangladeshi
- Indian
- Ethnic Group Total
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Occupation Total
- Managers, directors and senior officials
- Professional occupations
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Number of personal cars
- 0 cars
- 1 car
- 2 cars
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Households grouped by income
- A1 Households
- A2 Households
- A3 Households
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Number of people by language spoken
- English/Welsh
- EU French
- EU Portuguese
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Number of people who work from home or commute to work by transportation mode
- Work from home
- Underground, metro, light rail, tram
- Train
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Apartment ownership
Apartments by ownership
- Employer
- Relative or friend
- Rent free
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Household size
Households grouped by size and type
- 1 person
- 2 persons
- 3 persons
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Population by age groups
Population grouped by age
- 0-15
- 16-24
- 25-44
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Population by religion
- Christian
- Buddhist
- Hindu
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Household income
Households grouped by net income bracket
- 100k+
- 90–100k
- 80–90k
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Total spending power
Total spending power (yearly average)
- Total Gross Income
- Total Net Income
- Total after housing costs
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Economic Activity
Population grouped by economic activity
- active
- inactive
- total active/inactive
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Population Forecast
Population projections
- Households 2021
- Population 2021
- 0-4 2021
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Social Grade
Population grouped by social grade
- AB
- C1
- C2
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Socio Economic Classification
Population grouped by socio-economic categories
- Higher managerial and professional
- Lower managerial and professional
- Intermediate
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Yearly consumption per type of goods and services
- Books, Cards, Stationery
- Fashion, Footwear, Jewellery
- Electrical Goods, Mobile Phones, Photography
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Spend Details
Yearly consumption in detail per type of goods and services
- Alcoholic Drinks
- Alcohol Out-of-Home
- Baby Equipment
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Spend per Lifestyle
Yearly consumption grouped by socio-economic group
- A1 Comparison Goods Total
- A2 Comparison Goods Total
- A3 Comparison Goods Total
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Year arrived in
Immigrants grouped by year of arrival in the country
- Born in UK
- pre 1941
- 1941-1950
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Working Hours
Population grouped by working hours
- Part-time Total
- Part-time ≤ 15h
- Part-time 16–30h
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Occupancy Rating
Measure of whether a household’s accommodation is overcrowded or underoccupied. An occupancy rating of -1 implies that a household has one fewer room/bedroom than required, whereas +1 implies that they have one more room/bedroom than the standard requirement.
- 2+ or more
- 1+
- 0
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Number of persons grouped by their perception of their health conditions
- Day-to-day limited a lot
- Day-to-day limited a little
- Day-to-day not limited
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Households grouped by deprivation dimensions
- 1 dimension
- 2 dimensions
- 3 dimensions
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Living Arrangements
Population grouped by living arrangements
- Couple total
- Couple married
- Couple cohabiting: opposite sex
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Population by social grade, age and sex
Population grouped by social grade, age and sex
- 16–24
- 25–34
- 35–44
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
House Price
Dwellings grouped by type and price
- D <100k
- D 100k-200k
- D 200k-300k
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Area Classification
Hierarchical geodemographic classification across the UK which identifies areas of the country with similar characteristics
- OAC 1a
- OAC 1b
- OAC 1c
British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-20:00 avg visitors
- 20:00-08:00 avg visitors
Italy: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 05:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-17:00 avg visitors
- 17:00-23:00 avg visitors
Italy: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-14:00 avg visitors
- 14:00-17:00 avg visitors
Italy: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-20:00 avg visitors
- 20:00-08:00 avg visitors
Italy: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 05:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-17:00 avg visitors
- 17:00-23:00 avg visitors
Italy: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-14:00 avg visitors
- 14:00-17:00 avg visitors
Italy: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-20:00 avg visitors
- 20:00-08:00 avg visitors
Italy: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 05:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-17:00 avg visitors
- 17:00-23:00 avg visitors
Italy: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-14:00 avg visitors
- 14:00-17:00 avg visitors
Italy: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-20:00 avg visitors
- 20:00-08:00 avg visitors
Portugal: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 05:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-17:00 avg visitors
- 17:00-23:00 avg visitors
Portugal: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-14:00 avg visitors
- 14:00-17:00 avg visitors
Portugal: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-20:00 avg visitors
- 20:00-08:00 avg visitors
Portugal: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 05:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-17:00 avg visitors
- 17:00-23:00 avg visitors
Portugal: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-14:00 avg visitors
- 14:00-17:00 avg visitors
Portugal: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-20:00 avg visitors
- 20:00-08:00 avg visitors
Portugal: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 05:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-17:00 avg visitors
- 17:00-23:00 avg visitors
Portugal: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-14:00 avg visitors
- 14:00-17:00 avg visitors
Portugal: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-20:00 avg visitors
- 20:00-08:00 avg visitors
Spain: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 05:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-17:00 avg visitors
- 17:00-23:00 avg visitors
Spain: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-14:00 avg visitors
- 14:00-17:00 avg visitors
Spain: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-20:00 avg visitors
- 20:00-08:00 avg visitors
Spain: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 05:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-17:00 avg visitors
- 17:00-23:00 avg visitors
Spain: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-14:00 avg visitors
- 14:00-17:00 avg visitors
Spain: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-20:00 avg visitors
- 20:00-08:00 avg visitors
Spain: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 05:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-17:00 avg visitors
- 17:00-23:00 avg visitors
Spain: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-11:00 avg visitors
- 11:00-14:00 avg visitors
- 14:00-17:00 avg visitors
Spain: Temporary visitors
Total population
- Total population
France: INSEE 2020
Families grouped by type
- Households
France: INSEE 2020
Building type
Buildings by type
- Households in multi-family dwellings
- Households living in houses
- Public housing
France: INSEE 2020
Level of education
- Out-of-school persons aged 15+
- CEP or no diploma
- BEPC, brevet des collèges, DNB
France: INSEE 2020
Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Unemployed people aged 15 - 64
- Pupils, students and unpaid trainees aged 15 - 64
- Retirees aged 15 - 64
France: INSEE 2020
Building construction year
Buildings by construction period
- Dwellings built before 1945
- Dwellings built between 1945 and 1969
- Dwellings built between 1970 and 1989
France: INSEE 2020
Building ownership
Buildings by ownership
- Owned dwellings
France: INSEE 2020
Dwelling size
Dwellings by size in square meters
- Housing units surface
- Main residences with 1 room
- Main residences with 2 rooms
France: INSEE 2020
Dwelling type
Dwellings by type
- House-type main residences
- Apartment-type main residences
France: INSEE 2020
Household size
Households grouped by size and type
- One person households
- Households with 5 or more members
- Single-parent households
France: INSEE 2020
Population by age groups
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 3 years
- 4 - 5 years
- 6 - 10 years
France: INSEE 2020
Household spending power
Spending power of household. Yearly average
- Poor households
France: INSEE 2020
Living Standards
Total spending power (yearly average)
- Living standards
France: INSEE 2020
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-20:00 February avg visitors
- 20:00-08:00 February avg visitors
- 08:00-20:00 August avg visitors
France: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 05:00-11:00 February avg visitors
- 11:00-17:00 February avg visitors
- 17:00-23:00 February avg visitors
France: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Mon - Fri - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-11:00 February avg visitors
- 11:00-14:00 February avg visitors
- 14:00-17:00 February avg visitors
France: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-20:00 February avg visitors
- 20:00-08:00 February avg visitors
- 08:00-20:00 August avg visitors
France: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 05:00-11:00 February avg visitors
- 11:00-17:00 February avg visitors
- 17:00-23:00 February avg visitors
France: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Saturday - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-11:00 February avg visitors
- 11:00-14:00 February avg visitors
- 14:00-17:00 February avg visitors
France: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 12h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-20:00 February avg visitors
- 20:00-08:00 February avg visitors
- 08:00-20:00 August avg visitors
France: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 6h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 05:00-11:00 February avg visitors
- 11:00-17:00 February avg visitors
- 17:00-23:00 February avg visitors
France: Temporary visitors
Staypoints: Sunday - 3h interval
Average number of visitors staying more than 15 minutes in a certain area (based on selected time frame)
- 08:00-11:00 February avg visitors
- 11:00-14:00 February avg visitors
- 14:00-17:00 February avg visitors
France: Temporary visitors
Total population
- Total population
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 15 - 17 years
- 18 - 24 years
- 0 - 14 years
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Total census households
- Population in census households
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Families grouped by type
- Single or never married
- Married or cohabiting
- Formerly married or cohabiting
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Level of education
- 15+ years Illiterates
- 15+ years without schooling
- 18+ years with post-basic education
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Number of persons according to their ethnicity
- Indigenous census households
- Afro-Mexican or Afro-descendant
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Place of birth
Population grouped by their place of birth
- Born alive
- Born in this entity
- Born in another entity
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Households grouped by income
- Economically active
- Non-economically active
- Employed
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Number of people by language spoken
- Speaking an indigenous language
- Speaking an indigenous language and not Spanish
- Speaking an indigenous language and Spanish
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Dwelling number of rooms
Dwellings by number of rooms
- One room
- Two rooms
- Three rooms and more
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Dwelling type
Dwellings by type
- Dwellings
- Inhabited dwellings
- Private dwellings
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Dwelling usage
Dwellings by usage
- Occupants
- Occupants (average)
- Occupants per room (average)
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Population by religion
- Catholic
- Protestant
- Other religion
Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units
Total population
- Population
Italy: MB Research 2022
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 14 years
- Male, 0 - 14 years
- Female, 0 - 14 years
Italy: MB Research 2022
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
Italy: MB Research 2022
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Total households
Italy: MB Research 2022
Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Unemployed
Italy: MB Research 2022
Household income
Households grouped by net income bracket
- Below 18,812€ households
- 18,812 - 26,863€ households
- 26,863 - 39,902€ households
Italy: MB Research 2022
Total spending power
Total spending power (yearly average)
- Spending power in Euros
Italy: MB Research 2022
Total population
- Population
Belgium: MB Research, 2021
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 14 years
- Male, 0 - 14 years
- Female, 0 - 14 years
Belgium: MB Research, 2021
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
Belgium: MB Research, 2021
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Total households
Belgium: MB Research, 2021
Household income
Households grouped by net income bracket
- Below 21,940€ households
- 21,940 - 33,092€ households
- 33,092 - 47,237€ households
Belgium: MB Research, 2021
Total spending power
Total spending power (yearly average)
- Spending power (Euro)
Belgium: MB Research, 2021
Total population
- Population
Spain: MB Research 2022
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 14 years
- Male, 0 - 14 years
- Female, 0 - 14 years
Spain: MB Research 2022
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
Spain: MB Research 2022
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Total households
Spain: MB Research 2022
Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Unemployed
Spain: MB Research 2022
Household income
Households grouped by net income bracket
- Below 16,943€ households
- 16,943 - 25,993€ households
- 25,993 - 35,811€ households
Spain: MB Research 2022
Total spending power
Total spending power (yearly average)
- Spending power in euros
Spain: MB Research 2022
Total population
- Population
France: MB Research 2022
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 14 years
- 15 - 29 years
- 30 - 44 years
France: MB Research 2022
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
France: MB Research 2022
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Total households
France: MB Research 2022
Number of unemployed persons, employed persons and employed persons by sector
- Unemployed
France: MB Research 2022
Household income
Households grouped by net income bracket
- Below 23,023€ households
- 23,023 - 33,134€ households
- 33,134 - 46,200€ households
France: MB Research 2022
Total spending power
Total spending power (yearly average)
- Spending power in Euros
France: MB Research 2022
Population by age and sex
Number of persons by age and sex
- Male, 0 - 14 years
- Female, 0 - 14 years
- Male, 15 - 29 years
France: MB Research 2022
Road Infrastructure
Roads grouped by type of infrastructure
- Car access
- Bike access
- Walk access
Germany: Cycling and walking infrastructure index, 2021
Total population
- Total Population
United Arab Emirates 2020
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 60+
- 0–5
- 15–24
United Arab Emirates 2020
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
United Arab Emirates 2020
Population grouped by nationality or origin
- Citizens males
- Citizens females
- Citizens total
United Arab Emirates 2020
Specific sub-groups of population
- 15–49 Female
United Arab Emirates 2020
Total population
- Total Population
Japan: Census 2015
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0–14 Population
- 15+ Population
- 15–64 Population
Japan: Census 2015
Population grouped by sex
- Males
- Females
Japan: Census 2015
Families grouped by type
- Households
- General households
- Relatives only housholds
Japan: Census 2015
Population grouped by nationality or origin
- Foreign population
- Foreign males
- Foreign females
Japan: Census 2015
Household size
Households grouped by size and type
- 1 person households
- 2 people households
- 3 people households
Japan: Census 2015
Households by children
Households by presence of children
- Households with under 6 years old members
Japan: Census 2015
Households by seniority
Households by presence of senior citizens
- Households with 65+ members
- 20–29 single households
- Elderly single person households
Japan: Census 2015
Population by age and sex
Number of persons by age and sex
- 0–14 Males
- 0–14 Females
- 15+ Males
Japan: Census 2015
Land Use
Area grouped by land use
- Parks
- Beach
- Shore line
Germany: Access to nature 2021
Total population
- Total population
Germany: Destatis 2018
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0–9 years
- 10–19 years
- 20–29 years
Germany: Destatis 2018
Population grouped by sex
- Male
- Female
Germany: Destatis 2018
Household type
Households grouped by type and size
- Total households
Germany: Destatis 2018
Apartments by type and in total
- Other buildings
- Detached houses
- Semi-detached house
Germany: Destatis 2018
Families grouped by type
- Married couples, without children
- Married couples, at least one child < 18
- Married couples all children ≥ 18
Germany: Destatis 2018
Building type
Buildings by type
- Other buildings
- Residential buildings (without collective housing)
- Row house
Germany: Destatis 2018
Population grouped by nationality or origin
- Germany
- EU
- European, non-EU
Germany: Destatis 2018
Place of birth
Population grouped by their place of birth
- Germany
- EU 27 countries
- Europe other
Germany: Destatis 2018
Apartment construction year
Apartments by construction period
- Built before 1919
- Built 1919 - 1948
- Built 1949 - 1978
Germany: Destatis 2018
Apartment ownership
Apartments by ownership
- Owned by community of owners
- Owned by private person(s)
- Owned by co-operative
Germany: Destatis 2018
Apartments per building
Buildings by number of apartments
- Apartments: 1
- Apartments: 2
- Apartments: 3 - 6
Germany: Destatis 2018
Building construction year
Buildings by construction period
- Built before 1919
- Built 1919 - 1948
- Built 1949 - 1978
Germany: Destatis 2018
Building ownership
Buildings by ownership
- Owned by community of owners
- Owned by private person(s)
- Owned by co-operative
Germany: Destatis 2018
Dwelling heating system
Number of dwellings by heating type
- District
- Floor
- Block
Germany: Destatis 2018
Dwelling number of rooms
Dwellings by number of rooms
- 1 room apartments
- 2 rooms apartments
- 3 rooms apartments
Germany: Destatis 2018
Dwelling size
Dwellings by size in square meters
- 0–29 m² apartments
- 30–39 m² apartments
- 40–49 m² apartments
Germany: Destatis 2018
Dwelling type
Dwellings by type
- Multi-family house: 3 - 6 apartments
- Multi-family house: 7 - 12 apartments
- Multi-family house: 13+ apartments
Germany: Destatis 2018
Dwelling usage
Dwellings by usage
- Residential buildings (without collective housing)
- Residential buildings
- Holiday and leisure apartment
Germany: Destatis 2018
Family size
Families by number of family members
- 2 person families
- 3 person families
- 4 person families
Germany: Destatis 2018
Household size
Households grouped by size and type
- 1 person households
- 2 person households
- 3 person households
Germany: Destatis 2018
Population by age groups
Population grouped by age
- 0–17 years
- 18–29 years
- 30–49 years
Germany: Destatis 2018
Population by religion
- Roman Catholic
- Protestant
- Other/no religion
Germany: Destatis 2018
Households by children
Households by presence of children
- Couples without children
- Couples with children
- Single-parents
Germany: Destatis 2018
Households by marital status
Households by marital status
- Multi-person without nuclear family
- Married couples
- Registered civil partnerships
Germany: Destatis 2018
Households by seniority
Households by presence of senior citizens
- Seniors only
- Senior/young people
- Without seniors
Germany: Destatis 2018
Civil status
People according to their civil status
- Single
- Married
- Widowed
Germany: Destatis 2018
Total population
- Total population
Portugal: Census 2021
Population by age
Population grouped by age
- 0 - 14 years old
- 15 - 24 years old
- 25 - 64 years old
Portugal: Census 2021
Population grouped by sex
- Males
- Females
Portugal: Census 2021
Families grouped by type
- Families
Portugal: Census 2021
Building type
Buildings by type
- Residential buildings
Portugal: Census 2021
Households grouped by income
- Total gross income
- Total net income
Portugal: Census 2021
Building construction year
Buildings by construction period
- Buildings built before 1945
- Buildings built between 1946 and 1980
- Buildings built between 1981 and 2000