Dwelling heating system
Number of dwellings by heating type
Dwelling heating system: gas id: 2
Dwelling heating system: gas (number of dwellings)
Dwelling heating system: oil id: 3
Dwelling heating system: oil (number of dwellings)
Dwelling heating system: wood, wood pellets id: 4
Dwelling heating system: wood, wood pellets (number of dwellings)
Dwelling heating system: biomass, biogas id: 5
Dwelling heating system: biomass (without wood), biogas (number of dwellings)
Dwelling heating system: solar/geothermal energy, heat pumps id: 6
Dwelling heating system: solar/geothermal energy, heat pumps (number of dwellings)
Dwelling heating system: electricity id: 7
Dwelling heating system: electricity (excluding heat pumps) (number of dwellings)
Dwelling heating system: coal id: 8
Dwelling heating system: coal (number of dwellings)
Dwelling heating system: various sources id: 9
Dwelling heating system: district heating (various enery sources) (number of dwellings)
Dwelling heating system: no heating id: 10
Dwelling heating system: no heating (number of dwellings)
Dwelling heating system: floor heating id: 11
Dwelling heating system: floor heating (number of buildings)
Dwelling heating system: block heating id: 12
Dwelling heating system: block heating (number of buildings)
Dwelling heating system: central heating id: 13
Dwelling heating system: central heating (number of buildings)
Dwelling heating system: single or multi-room stoves id: 14
Dwelling heating system: single or multi-room stoves (also night storage heating) (number of buildings)
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Germany: census 2022
410, 411, 412