Building type
Buildings by type
Collective buildings id: 30
Total number of collective buildings: nursery homes, student dorms, etc.
Commercial buildings id: 31
Total number of commercial buildings: commercial buildings, hotels, tourist accommodations, supermarkets, shops, retail buildings
High density buildings id: 32
Total number of high density buildings: buildings with 3+ apartments
Low density buildings id: 33
Total number of low density buildings: single family houses, row houses, detached houses, semi-detached houses, bungalows
Medium density buildings id: 34
Total number of medium density buildings: buildings with 2 apartments
Offices id: 35
Total number of office buildings
Other buildings id: 36
Total number of other buildings: hospitals, schools, historic, cultural, industrial, religious, warehouse buildings, other
Collective buildings: area id: 37
Total area (ground area × levels, in m²) of collective buildings: nursery homes, student dorms, etc.
Commercial buildings: area id: 38
Total area (ground area × levels, in m²) of commercial buildings: commercial buildings, hotels, tourist accommodations, supermarkets, shops, retail buildings
High density buildings: area id: 39
Total area (ground area × levels, in m²) of high density buildings: buildings with 3+ apartments
Low density buildings: area id: 40
Total area (ground area × levels, in m²) of low density buildings: single family houses, row houses, detached houses, semi-detached houses, bungalows
Medium density buildings: area id: 41
Total area (ground area × levels, in m²) of medium density buildings: buildings with 2 apartments
Offices: area id: 42
Total area (ground area × levels, in m²) of office buildings
Other buildings: area id: 43
Total area (ground area × levels, in m²) of other buildings: hospitals, schools, historic, cultural, industrial, religious, warehouse buildings, other
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Poland: MB Research, 2021
20198, 20199