Number of people who work from home or commute to work by transportation mode
Car/truck/van alone id: 96
Estimate Total: Transportation to work: Car, truck, or van, drove alone
Car/truck/van carpooled id: 97
Estimate Total: Transportation to work: Car, truck, or van carpooled
Public transport id: 98
Estimate Total: Transportation to work: Public transportation (excluding taxicab)
Bicycle id: 99
Estimate Total: Transportation to work: Bicycle
Walk id: 100
Estimate Total: Transportation to work: Walked
Taxi/motorcycle/other id: 101
Estimate Total: Transportation to Work: Taxicab, motorcycle, or other means
Work from home id: 102
Estimate Total: Transportation to Work: Working from home
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United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
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