Families grouped by type
Family households id: 50
Estimate total: family households
2-person family id: 51
Estimate total: family households: 2-person household
3-person family id: 52
Estimate total: family households: 3-person household
4-person family id: 53
Estimate total: family households: 4-person household
5-person family id: 54
Estimate total: family households: 5-person household
6-person family id: 55
Estimate total: family households: 6-person household
7+ person family id: 56
Estimate total: family households: 7-or-more person household
Non-family households id: 57
Estimate total: nonfamily households
1-person nonfamily id: 58
Estimate total: nonfamily households: 1-person household
2-person nonfamily id: 59
Estimate total: nonfamily households: 2-person household
3-person nonfamily id: 60
Estimate total: nonfamily households: 3-person household
4-person nonfamily id: 61
Estimate total: nonfamily households: 4-person household
5-person nonfamily id: 62
Estimate total: nonfamily households: 5-person household
6-person nonfamily id: 63
Estimate total: nonfamily households: 6-person household
7+ person nonfamily id: 64
Estimate total: nonfamily households: 7-or-more person household
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United States: Census Bureau 2021 ACS (hex grid)
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