🇺🇸 United States

Household type

Households grouped by type and size


Total households id: 49

Total number of households in this census tract.

Family households id: 50

Total number of family households in this census tract.

2-person families id: 51

Total number of 2-person family households in this census tract.

3-person families id: 52

Total number of 3-person family households in this census tract.

4-person families id: 53

Total number of 4-person family households in this census tract.

5-person families id: 54

Total number of 5-person family households in this census tract.

6-person family id: 55

Total number of 6-person family households in this census tract.

7+ person family id: 56

Total number of 7-or-more-person family households in this census tract.

Non-family id: 57

Total number of non-family households in this census tract.

1-person non-family id: 58

Total number of 1-person non-family households in this census tract.

2-person non-families id: 59

Total number of 2-person non-family households in this census tract.

3-person non-families id: 60

Total number of 3-person non-family households in this census tract.

4-person non-families id: 61

Total number of 4-person non-family households in this census tract.

5-person non-families id: 62

Total number of 5-person non-family households in this census tract.

6-person non-families id: 63

Total number of 6-person non-family households in this census tract.

7+ person non-families id: 64

Total number of 7-or-more-person non-family households in this census tract.

Total households id: 223

Number of all households in this census tract.

With earnings id: 246

All households with earnings in this census tract.

With earnings (%) id: 247

Percentage of all households with earnings in this census tract.

With earnings - mean ($) id: 248

Mean earnings in dollars of all households with earnings in this census tract.

With Social Security id: 249

All households with Social Security in this census tract.

With Social Security (%) id: 250

Percentage of all households with Social Security in this census tract.

With Social Security - mean ($) id: 251

Mean Social Security income in dollars of households with Social Security in this census tract.

With retirement income id: 252

All households with retirement income in this census tract.

With retirement income (%) id: 253

Percentage of all households with retirement income in this census tract.

With retirement income - mean ($) id: 254

Mean retirement income in dollars of households with retirement income in this census tract.

With Supplemental Security Income id: 255

All households with Supplemental Security Income in this census tract.

With Supplemental Security Income (%) id: 256

Percentage of all households with Supplemental Security Income in this census tract.

With Supplemental Security Income - mean ($) id: 257

Mean Supplemental Security Income in dollars of households with Supplemental Security Income in this census tract.

With cash public assistance income id: 258

All households with cash public assistance income in this census tract.

With cash public assistance income (%) id: 259

Percentage of all households with cash public assistance income in this census tract.

With cash public assistance income - mean ($) id: 260

Mean cash public assistance income in dollars of households with cash public assistance income in this census tract.

With Food Stamp/SNAP benefits in the past 12 months id: 261

All households with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits in the past 12 months, in this census tract.

With Food Stamp/SNAP benefits in the past 12 months (%) id: 262

Percentage of all households with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits in the past 12 months, in this census tract.

Nonfamily households id: 287

Number of all nonfamily households in this census tract.

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United States: Census Bureau 2010 (tracts)

Collection ID


Topic ID


Statistics Group IDs


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