🇳🇿 New Zealand


Number of people who work from home or commute to work by transportation mode


Travel to work id: 3

Number of persons travelling to work as opposed to working at home

Work at home id: 4

Number of persons working at home

Drive private car id: 5

Number of persons driving a private car, truck or van to work

Drive company car id: 6

Number of persons driving a company car, truck or van to work

Passenger id: 7

Number of persons travelling as passenger in a car, truck, van or company bus

Public bus id: 8

Number of persons travelling by public bus to work

Train id: 9

Number of persons travelling by train to work

Bicycle id: 10

Number of persons riding a bicycle to work

Walk or jog id: 11

Number of persons walking or jogging to work

Ferry id: 12

Number of persons travelling by ferry to work

Other id: 13

Number of persons using some other mode of transport to work

Combined drive id: 14

Number of persons using a private vehicle to travel to work

Combined public transport id: 15

Number of persons using public transport to travel to work

Combined active modes id: 16

Number of persons travelling to work non-motorized

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New Zealand: Stats NZ 2018

Collection ID


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Statistics Group IDs


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