Population by age
Population grouped by age
< 5 years old id: 3
Resident population - Age < 5 years old
5 - 9 years old id: 4
Resident Population - Age 5 - 9 years old
10 - 14 years old id: 5
Resident population - age 10 - 14 years old
15 - 19 years old id: 6
Resident population - age 15 - 19 years old
20 - 24 years old id: 7
Resident population - age 20 - 24 years old
25 - 29 years old id: 8
Resident population - age 25 - 29 years old
30 - 34 years old id: 9
Resident population - age 30 - 34 years old
35 - 39 years old id: 10
Resident population - age 35 - 39 years old
40 - 44 years old id: 11
Resident population - age 40 - 44 years old
45 - 49 years old id: 12
Resident population - age 45 - 49 years old
50 - 54 years old id: 13
Resident population - age 50 - 54 years old
55 - 59 years old id: 14
Resident population - age 55 - 59 years old
60 - 64 years old id: 15
Resident population - age 60 - 64 years old
65 - 69 years old id: 16
Resident population - age 65 - 69 years old
70 - 74 years old id: 17
Resident population - age 70 - 74 years old
> 74 years old id: 18
Resident population - age > 74 years old
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Italy: Census 2011
90, 91, 92