🇪🇸 Spain


Population grouped by nationality or origin


Spanish id: 66

Total number of spanish

Foreigners id: 67

Total number of foreigners

Africa id: 68

Total number of people coming from Africa

US id: 69

Total number of people coming from the US

Asia id: 70

Total number of people coming from Asia

EU no Spain id: 71

Total number of people coming from EU excluding Spain

Other continent id: 72

Total number of people coming from another continent

Germany id: 73

Total number of people coming from Germany

Bulgaria id: 74

Total number of people coming from Bulgaria

France id: 75

Total number of people coming from France

Italy id: 76

Total number of people coming from Italy

Poland id: 77

Total number of people coming from Poland

Portugal id: 78

Total number of people coming from Portugal

Romania id: 79

Total number of people coming from Romania

UK id: 80

Total number of people coming from UK

Russia id: 81

Total number of people coming from Russia

Ukraine id: 82

Total number of people coming from Ukraine

Algeria id: 83

Total number of people coming from Algeria

Morocco id: 84

Total number of people coming from Morocco

Nigeria id: 85

Total number of people coming from Nigeria

Senegal id: 86

Total number of people coming from Senegal

Argentina id: 87

Total number of people coming from Argentina

Bolivia id: 88

Total number of people coming from Bolivia

Brasil id: 89

Total number of people coming from Brasil

Chile id: 90

Total number of people coming from Chile

Colombia id: 91

Total number of people coming from Colombia

Cuba id: 92

Total number of people coming from Cuba

Ecuador id: 93

Total number of people coming from Ecuador

Paraguay id: 94

Total number of people coming from Paraguay

Peru id: 95

Total number of people coming from Peru

Dominican Republic id: 96

Total number of people coming from Dominican Republic

Uruguay id: 97

Total number of people coming from Uruguay

Venezuela id: 98

Total number of people coming from Venezuela

China id: 99

Total number of people coming from China

Pakistan id: 100

Total number of people coming from Pakistan

Oceania and Stateless id: 101

Total number of people coming from Oceania and stateless people

UE 27 2020 including UK id: 102

Total number of people coming from UE 27 2020 inculing UK

Austria id: 103

Total number of people coming from Austria

Belgium id: 104

Total number of people coming from Belgium

Cyprus id: 105

Total number of people coming from Cyprus

Croatia id: 106

Total number of people coming from Croatia

Denmark id: 107

Total number of people coming from Denmark

Slovenia id: 108

Total number of people coming from Slovenia

Estonia id: 109

Total number of people coming from Estonia

Finland id: 110

Total number of people coming from Finland

Greece id: 111

Total number of people coming from Greece

Hungary id: 112

Total number of people coming from Hungary

Irland id: 113

Total number of people coming from Irland

Latvia id: 114

Total number of people coming from Latvia

Lithuania id: 115

Total number of people coming from Lithuania

Luxemburg id: 116

Total number of people coming from Luxemburg

Malta id: 117

Total number of people coming from Malta

Netherlands id: 118

Total number of people coming from the Netherlands

Czech Republic id: 119

Total number of people coming from Czech Republic

Slovakia id: 120

Total number of people coming from Slovakia

Sweden id: 121

Total number of people coming from Sweden

Norway id: 122

Total number of people coming from Norway

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Spain population, nationality and income data (2022)

Collection ID


Topic ID


Statistics Group IDs

94, 329, 330

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