Place of birth
Population grouped by their place of birth
Born in Spain id: 123
Total number of people born in Spain
Born in the same autonomous community id: 124
Total number of people born in the same autonomous community
Born in the same autonomous community and province id: 125
Total number of people born in the same autonomous community and province
Born in the same autonomous community, province and municipality id: 126
Total number of people born in the same autonomous community, province and municipality
Born in the same autonomous community and province and different municipality id: 127
Total number of people born in the same autonomous community and province and different municipality
Born in the same autonomous community and different province id: 128
Total number of people born in the same autonomous community and different province
Born in another autonomous community id: 129
Total number of people born in another autonomous community
Born in a foreign country id: 130
Total number of people born in a foreign country
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Spain population, nationality and income data (2022)
94, 329, 330