๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง United Kingdom๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช Ireland

Household income

Households grouped by net income bracket


100k+ id: 528

Number of households with income โ‰ฅ 100k

90โ€“100k id: 529

Number of households with income 90โ€“100k

80โ€“90k id: 530

Number of households with income 80โ€“90k

70โ€“80k id: 531

Number of households with income 70โ€“80k

60โ€“70k id: 532

Number of households with income 60โ€“70k

50โ€“60k id: 533

Number of households with income 50โ€“60k

40โ€“50k id: 534

Number of households with income 40โ€“50k

30โ€“40k id: 535

Number of households with income 30โ€“40k

20โ€“30k id: 536

Number of households with income 20โ€“30k

โ‰ค 20k id: 537

Number of households with income โ‰ค 20k

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This dataset is available in Targomo LOOP and via TargomoAPI. Please contact us if youโ€™d like to get access or get a demo.


British Isles, StorePointGeo 2021

Collection ID


Topic ID


Statistics Group IDs

98, 99

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