🇲🇽 Mexico

Dwelling type

Dwellings by type


Dwellings id: 34

Total homes

Inhabited dwellings id: 35

Total inhabited dwellings

Private dwellings id: 36

Total private homes

Inhabited private dwellings id: 37

Inhabited private homes

Total inhabited private dwellings id: 38

Total inhabited private dwellings

Uninhabited private homes id: 39

Uninhabited private homes

Private homes for temporary use id: 40

Private homes for temporary use

Electricity id: 47

Inhabited private homes that have electricity

Without electricity id: 48

Inhabited private homes that do not have electricity

Piped water in the housing area id: 49

Piped water and supplied by the public water service id: 50

Inhabited private homes that have piped water and are supplied by the public water service

Without piped water id: 51

Water tank id: 52

Inhabited private homes that have a water tank

Cistern id: 53

Inhabited private homes that have a cistern

Toilet or sanitary facilities id: 54

Inhabited private homes that have a toilet or sanitary facilities

Latrine id: 55

Inhabited private homes that have a latrine (well or hole)

Drainage id: 56

Inhabited private homes that have drainage

Without drainage id: 57

Inhabited private homes that do not have drainage

Electricity, piped water supply and drainage id: 58

Inhabited private homes that have electricity, piped water from the public network and drainage

Without electricity, piped water, or drainage id: 59

Inhabited private homes that do not have electricity, piped water, or drainage

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Mexico: 2020 Census of Population and Housing Units

Collection ID


Topic ID


Statistics Group IDs

129, 130

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